MathFlow Product deprecation notice: please be aware that from January 2023, MathFlow has been deprecated. This means you will still be able to use the tool as usual for as long as you want, but note that it will no longer be available for purchase or support.
We are currently offering an alternative solution to all MathFlow for Oxygen users. This is
MathType for Oxygen XML Author v 1.0, a new equation editor for Oxygen and a referential product for technical writing. Regardless of whether or not this is your primary editor, we would like to give you the opportunity to try it out.
We are offering a 30-day free trial when you download and install the product. Take advantage of this opportunity to upgrade your technical writing experience!

Likewise, we are also launching a brand new version of MathType for Oxygen XML Web Author. Web Author brings XML equation editing and reviewing to any modern web browser.
Although there are no major changes to the interface, we have refactored all the code making it a much more stable and reliable version.
If you wish to get information about our world leading solution MathType, check out our documentation page here.
If you are interested in buying any of the products, please contact our Sales team at sales@wiris.com.
Thank you for choosing MathType.
The Wiris Team